Jewish community Chabad Lubavitch Moldova

Over Shabbat, farbrengens were held in the Great Synagogue and in the homes of Chabad Chassidim. After the prayer services, students of Colel Levi Yitzchok repeated paragraphs of the discourse, “Bati Legani” by heart, as is customary among Chabad congregations around the world.

On 11th Shevat, a special day seminar was held in the Great Synagogue in Kishinev for women. The participants learned about the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s personality, and Rebbitzen Abelsky told many fascinating stories about the Rebbe. The day concluded with a talk by Rabbi Abelsky.

Additional events were held for women in Kishinev, also conducted by the Abelskys, as well as a special program run by Nshei Ubnos Chabad in the city.




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